Sunday, June 05, 2011

My notes on Doctor Who - "A Good Man Goes to War"

I will be referencing these when talking to Adam on the 20MB Doctor Who Podcast.
Spoilers below!!!
Very very good. I had only minor issues. 2nd best episode of the
series so far. (Doctor's wife was the best)

Seeing Melody's name pretty much gave it away on the incubator.

Loved the Cyberman scenes. Rory rocks.

Rory used a sonic screwdriver to get into the cyber ship! Interesting.

Nice throwback to the classic series with the cybermen gathered around
a control table

Loved the bit where Amy was talking to Melody while Kovarian and
troops where waiting to take Melody.
All the monologue sounds like Amy is talking about the Doctor
("hundreds and hundreds of years old", "This man is your father")
until she says "The Last Centurion". (how could the "people of our
world" know that he is the last centurion? that was a different

"Don't give me those blank looks" Rory to Cybermen - brilliant

nice timing on the Doctor's message to the Cybermen. "would you like
me to repeat the question?"

Very Star Wars look to Demon's Run.

Psychic card? I thought that was Time Lord technology only.
Thin one Fat One. Nice double act. Want more

Lorna Bucket. Gamma Forest. is this from the classic series?

the headless business with The Fat One. Obvious, but fun.
Hey! That's Cardiff's Temple of Peace (again) for the Fat One's initiation to the Headless Monks.

I initially had issues with Madame Vastra (Silurian), but the
reference later to the Doctor finding her in the Underground solved that for me.

Jenny? Is she the Doctor's Daughter?

Sontaran Nurse. A bit weird, but the dialogue was great with the
shifting back and forth between Nurse Talk and Sontaran Talk. Moffat

River dancing to herself as she returns to the storm cage. Nice touch.

who exactly is in charge at the storm cage? Doctor Song, obviously.

"Hello Rory" (Hello Dad!)

Stevie Wonder joke (you must never tell him about 1814

"Unless there is two of them" - "that's a whole different birthday" -
desert lake?

"I can't be with him till the very end" - Demon's Run or the desert
lake? River is in the spacesuit killing a flesh doctor?

silhouette of the Doctor when picking up Dorium. Nice.

"I'm old I'm Fat I'm Blue"

OMEGA symbols. Everywhere. probably "Alpha and Omega" reference to
continue the ecclesiastical theme,
but could be Omega of the Time Lords.

All this time and Amy does not know the Doctor is famous? He just
isn't famous on Earth.

Loved the headless monks. I just watched Time of Angels a couple of
days ago where it was a throwaway line.

"Papal Mainframe"?

"Amelia Pond. Get your Coat" references the Christmas "Marilyn" line

"Mammals. They all look alike!"

Silurians and Judoon, not a problem.

Danny Boy spitfires? Give me a break!!!!
Henry and Toby Avery? Give me a break!!!
(my only two issues with the episode)

"Colonel Runaway". Angry Doctor. Brilliant! (an angry Doctor is not
"new", though)

Mrs. Williams!!! Sorry. They are the Ponds!

A Crying Roman with a Baby. Definitely Cool!

Doctor smelling things again.

The Doctor interpreting Baby talk!
Big Milk Thing!

Gene spliced Sontaran with Lactic fluid!

"Cot"? That's a "crib" in America. I will adjust Wikipedia after
things settle down with the article about the episode.

"Doctor, do you have children?" "no". Really? I don't believe it.
Remember, The Doctor lies.

Amy was taken just before America.

Don't put that crib on that box! It is a rocking crib. It might fall off!!!

Again nice touch with "Its Mine" from the Doctor where for a second we
think he is referring to Melody, but he is referring to the crib.

Mobile above the crib! continues the theme of hanging mobiles through series 6

Silurians in the Underground! yes!!!

"Time Head" baby! Yes!
The Doctor's realization of the conception of the baby on the Pond's
wedding night! Yes!
Can she regenerate? Duh!! We have seen it!!!

Interesting how Madame Vastra (Silurian) knows all about the TARDIS and
the time vortex.

"Silurians". I think this is the first time they are named in the new series.

Scenes of River looking at the space suit. Does she know it was her in the spacesuit or not?

Battle of Demon's Run. Altogether well done.
"Attack Prayer" of the monks. Nice.

Headless Dorium. How can he come back? We know he is coming back.

Bit of confusion with the sliding door being seen by the baby before
"splat" of flesh. We are seeing it from the baby's point of view,

I like the Demon's Run poem.

"I'm nearly 12" - Commander Strax

Lorna's death scene. Tragic since the Doctor tells her he remembers
her, but after she dies he admits he does not remember.
"We ran. You and Me". continues the "Run" theme of the last 48 years.

The revelation scene of River. Perfect!!!!

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