Wednesday, September 19, 2018

It's missing the tin box but this is an incredible price! Walt Disney Treasures Davy Crockett! #davycrockett #waltdisneytreasures #2nckennesaw

Arrr!! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties!! Avast!!

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Okonomiyaki - yum! #japanfest #okonomiyaki

Japanfest time again #japanfest

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Just passed Ebenezer Baptist Church while riding the streetcar #atlantastreetcar #ebenezerbaptistchurch

On the Atlanta Streetcar #atlantastreetcar

This Ferris wheel is the answer to life the universe and everything. It has 42 gondolas. #skyviewatlanta #hhgttg

What would Mr. Ferris say? #skyviewatlanta

More Beverly! #worldofcocacola #beverly #beverlychallenge

More Beverly! #beverly #beverlychallenge #worldofcocacola

Beverly achieved! I still like it when nobody else does! #worldofcocacola #beverly #beverlychallenge

Taste it #worldofcocacola

My phone just spent the last hour in here. #worldofcocacola

Atlanta games Olympic Torch. It's an actual one. #worldofcocacola #olympictorch



The secret formula is in this vault #worldofcocacola

Looking for the secret formula #worldofcocacola

At the World of Coca-Cola with the geek daughter #worldofcocacola #cocacolapolarbear

World of Coca-Cola #worldofcocacola

World of Coke #worldofcocacola

Geeks! #dragoncon2018 #dragoncon

Train of Nerds! Heading to downtown Atlanta for the vibe of Dragoncon but not actually attending. Going to World of Coke and the Ferris Wheel with geek daughter. #dragoncon2018 #dragoncon #nerds #geeks