Wednesday, December 19, 2018

This is the final update to the tree as I'm taking the rest of the year off Amy and Rory - front and center. And..... Monkey?!!! #doctorwho #tardis #vworp #vworpvworp #2ndandcharles #dalek #cyberman #11thdoctor #christmastree #holidaytree #desktoptree #k-9 #tindog #k9 #4thdoctor #smilers #jabe #wibblywobblytimeywimey #dalek #daleks #vampiresofvenice #saturnye #weepingangel #staggeringstories #headofpertwee #komaisohmy #monkeyking #dasheng #monkey #amyandrory

Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Weeping Angel and the Staggering Stories Podcast Christmas card (featuring the World Famous Head of Pertwee) are today's additions to the tree. #doctorwho #tardis #vworp #vworpvworp #2ndandcharles #dalek #cyberman #11thdoctor #christmastree #holidaytree #desktoptree #k-9 #tindog #k9 #4thdoctor #smilers #jabe #wibblywobblytimeywimey #dalek #daleks #vampiresofvenice #saturnye #weepingangel #staggeringstories #headofpertwee

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Just passed Ebenezer Baptist Church while riding the streetcar #atlantastreetcar #ebenezerbaptistchurch

On the Atlanta Streetcar #atlantastreetcar

This Ferris wheel is the answer to life the universe and everything. It has 42 gondolas. #skyviewatlanta #hhgttg

What would Mr. Ferris say? #skyviewatlanta

More Beverly! #worldofcocacola #beverly #beverlychallenge

More Beverly! #beverly #beverlychallenge #worldofcocacola

Beverly achieved! I still like it when nobody else does! #worldofcocacola #beverly #beverlychallenge

Taste it #worldofcocacola

My phone just spent the last hour in here. #worldofcocacola

Atlanta games Olympic Torch. It's an actual one. #worldofcocacola #olympictorch



The secret formula is in this vault #worldofcocacola

Looking for the secret formula #worldofcocacola

At the World of Coca-Cola with the geek daughter #worldofcocacola #cocacolapolarbear

World of Coca-Cola #worldofcocacola

World of Coke #worldofcocacola