Sunday, October 29, 2017

TIE Fighter seen while out catching Pokemon this afternoon #pokemongo #starwars

Monday, October 23, 2017

Couldn't find my hardback copy of "Replay" by Ken Grimwood for the Earth Station One book club podcast review of it in December so ordered a paperback copy from eBay. #esopodcast #replay #kengrimwood

Happy Mole Day! -'s Number 6.02 x 10^23 ) #moleday #avogadrosnumber

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Old street art in an abandoned restaurant in underground Atlanta

Leaving Maker Faire #makerfaire

Julia's TARDIS is now upside down #makerfaire

Old world of Coca-Cola building #makerfaire


Julia explores a virtual Manuel's Tavern at the GSU booth #makerfaire

3d printed chair #makerfaire

The old World of Coca-Cola building #makerfaire


3d printing #makerfaire #TARDIS #doctorwho

3d printing #makerfaire








Brushbots #makerfaire


#jellybox build it yourself 3d printer #makerfaire


Julia painting a TARDIS #doctorwho #makerfaire

Society of Lady Makers #makerfaire


That's as out of scale as the t-rex in Doctor Who "Deep Breath" #doctorwho #makerfaire

Balsa wood airplane making #makerfaire

At Atlanta Maker Faire #makerfaire

Julia and I ended up wearing the same shirt today as we are heading to the Atlanta Maker Faire. #dontpanic #hhgttg #hhgttgquotes